Jurisdiction: | Illinois |
Entity Type: | Corporation - Domestic BCA |
Status: | Merged/Consolidated |
Date Formed: | 19 Mar 1997 |
Company Number: | CORP_59321757 |
File Number: | 59321757 |
Type of Business: | Business Corporations |
Date Status Change: | 01 Jan 2006 |
Place of Formation: | ILLINOIS |
Plan Name | Plan Year | EIN/PN | Received | Sponsor | Total number of participants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ALVAR INC 401K PLAN | 2011 | 371079629 | 2012-07-24 | ALVAR INC | 16 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrator’s EIN | 371079629 |
Plan administrator’s name | ALVAR INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2012-07-24 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2007-01-01 |
Business code | 323100 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 371079629 |
Plan administrator’s name | ALVAR INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
Role | Employer/plan sponsor |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2007-01-01 |
Business code | 323100 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 371079629 |
Plan administrator’s name | ALVAR INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
Role | Employer/plan sponsor |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2007-01-01 |
Business code | 323100 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 371079629 |
Plan administrator’s name | ALVAR INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
Role | Employer/plan sponsor |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
File | View Page |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2007-01-01 |
Business code | 323100 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 371079629 |
Plan administrator’s name | ALVAR INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Role | Employer/plan sponsor |
Date | 2011-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
File | View Page |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2007-01-01 |
Business code | 323100 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 371079629 |
Plan administrator’s name | ALVAR INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 112 STATE ROAD 89, WASHBURN, IL, 61570 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3092487523 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2010-10-12 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Role | Employer/plan sponsor |
Date | 2010-10-12 |
Name of individual signing | ARTHUR LERSCH |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
Name and Address | Role |
Class | Series | Voting Rights | Authorized Shares | Issued Shares | Par Value |
COMMON | No data | Voting Rights | 1000 | 1000000 | 0.1 |
Date of last update: 20 Jan 2025