Entity Name: | IPP - STORES, LLC |
Jurisdiction: | Illinois |
Entity Type: | Limited Liability Company |
Status: | Bankruptcy |
Date Formed: | 19 Dec 2005 |
Company Number: | LLC_01714988 |
File Number: | 01714988 |
Type of Management: | Manager Managed |
Date Status Change: | 05 Feb 2023 |
Address | 8450 CITY CENTER DR, WOODBURY, 55125, MN |
Place of Formation: | DELAWARE |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
** AGENT VACATED **, 00000 | Agent | 2024-02-25 |
Name and Address | Role | Appointment Date |
FOSS, MIKE, 8450 CITY CENTER DR, WOODBURY, MN, 55125 | Manager | 2022-11-28 |
WOLF, SUSAN, 8450 CITY CENTER DR, WOODBURY, MN, 55125 | Manager | 2022-11-28 |
ARTHUR, RAY, 8450 CITY CENTER DR, WOODBURY, MN, 55125 | Manager | 2022-11-28 |
MOSCH, ANDREW, 8450 CITY CENTER DR, WOODBURY, MN, 55125 | Manager | 2022-11-28 |
MURPHY, BRIAN, 8450 CITY CENTER DR, WOODBURY, MN, 55125 | Manager | 2022-11-28 |
Name and Address | Role | Account Number |
ANDREW MOSCH | Other | 332347 |
SUSAN WOLF | Other | 332347 |
Name and Address | Role | Account Number |
RAYMOND ARTHUR | Treasurer | 332347 |
Name and Address | Role | Account Number |
BRIAN MURPHY | President | 332347 |
Name and Address | Role | Account Number |
MIKE FOSS | Managing member | 332347 |
License Type | License Number | Status | License Code | License Description | Business Activity | Date Issued | Effective Date | Expiration Date |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2184473 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 857 | 904 | 950 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Operate a Veterinary Hospital | Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Provide Animal Day Care Services | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-12-06 | 2021-12-06 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2709195 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 904 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-11-22 | 2021-11-22 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2732934 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 857 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Operate a Veterinary Hospital | 2021-11-22 | 2021-11-22 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2184474 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 857 | 904 | 950 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Operate a Veterinary Hospital | Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Provide Animal Day Care Services | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-11-22 | 2021-11-22 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2647387 | Issued | 1010 | Limited Business License | 904 | 954 - Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-09-09 | 2021-02-16 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2627442 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 904 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-09-09 | 2021-02-16 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2584098 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 904 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-09-09 | 2021-02-16 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2293283 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 767 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Retail Sales of General Merchandise and Non-Perishable Food | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-09-09 | 2021-02-16 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2184476 | Issued | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 | 904 | 954 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | Retail Sales of General Merchandise | Retail Sales of Animal Treats and Animal Food | 2021-09-09 | 2021-02-16 | 2023-02-15 |
BUSINESS LICENSE | 2658397 | Cancelled | 1032 | Animal Care License | 611 - Provide Animal Grooming Services | 2019-10-08 | 2019-10-08 | 2021-02-15 |
Date of last update: 13 Jan 2025